

5G-SMART aims to demonstrate<\/strong>, evaluate<\/strong> and validate<\/strong> 5G systems for new manufacturing application in 5G-enabled industry field<\/strong> trials<\/strong>. \u00a0Furthermore, the project aims to identify novel use cases, develop new 5G technology<\/strong> features<\/strong> and identify viable operator business<\/strong> models<\/strong> to drive future 5G standards and technology adaption<\/strong> in manufacturing ecosystem.<\/p>\n

Seven detailed objectives of the project are listed below. These objectives are focused on 5G adoption in real-world manufacturing factory setup, new research concepts for future 5G standards relating to manufacturing applications, dissemination and business challenges for stakeholders and industry forums.<\/p>\n<\/div>

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    To demonstrate and evaluate 5G technologies and architecture capabilities for smart manufacturing use cases by validating related 5G KPIs defined in ITU\/3GPP and 5G PPP as well as 5G support of concurrent usages of network resources by different vertical domains<\/p>\n<\/div><\/li>

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    To identify, assess and propose innovative advanced \u201cindustrial\u201d 5G KPIs with more focus on industrial characteristics<\/p>\n<\/div><\/li>

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    To identify, assess and propose new 5G features targeting connected industries<\/p>\n<\/div><\/li><\/ul>

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      To identify viable business models for 5G manufacturing use cases<\/p>\n<\/div><\/li>

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      To identify regulatory aspects with direct impact on the realization of 5G for smart manufacturing<\/p>\n<\/div><\/li>

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      To disseminate and exploit 5G-SMART outcomes and contribute to standards development organizations, regulatory forums (3GPP\/ITU-T\/IETF\/ETSI), scientific and industrial domains<\/p>\n<\/div><\/li>

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      To contribute to the 5G Action plan for Europe, validating 5G capabilities (\u201cphase 1\u201d features) in real factory environments<\/p>\n<\/div><\/li><\/ul>
